Where is PSM?

We are in Tuscany - one of the most beautiful places on this Earth!  On the maps below, PSM's position is shown by the goose.

Each of the maps below brings you closer and closer to PSM.

Directions ...

From Pisa International Airport (Aeroporto di Pisa Galileo Galilei). 68.0 km – about 54 minutes

From Florence Airport (Aeroporto di Firenze). 40.5  km – about 35 minutes

GPS Settings to Podere San Martino

  • For use with the most popular devices that use POI [Point of Interest] files
    TomTom, Garmin, Navman

  • PSM's location: Simple Longitudes/Latitudes In various formats. The first one in decimal format is typically used by GPS navigation devices and also Google Maps.

    DDD.DDDDD° 43.867378° 10.855044°
    DDD° MM.MMM' 43° 52.0427' 10° 51.3027'
    DDD° MM' SS.S" 43° 52' 02.56" 10° 51' 18.16"